

P.O. 10968箱

Office at 985 Jim Gilligan Way (地图)

Students are at the heart of everything we do



Dr. 蒂莉莎·蒂博多,院长

Tilisa为了 joined the Honors College in 2017 as the Director of Digital Literacy and in 2021 as the dean of the 雷诺荣誉学院 and the Texas Academy of Leadership in the Humanities. Thibodeaux的名字是B.S. 在小学教育硕士.Ed. in Special Education and an Ed.D. in Instructional Technology and Distance Education & 教育领导. She spent more than 11 years in the public education system in Florida and Texas, serving as an elementary teacher, district interventionist and coach, a campus academic coach and a digital learning coach. Dr. Thibodeaux帮助教育工作者, administrators and corporations use technology innovation as a catalyst for change within their organizations by setting up significant learning environments that give learners choice, ownership and voice through authentic learning opportunities. Thibodeaux is the international practices and pedagogies SIG lead for the Association of Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning ePortfolio group, is the co-developer of the CSLE+COVA Professional Learning Framework, scholarship board member for the Texas Distance Learning Association and is co-author of Learner’s Mindset Discussions videocasts. 自2015年以来, Thibodeaux has conducted more than 70 professional learning experiences with educators all over the world that include academic workshops, 教师撤退, 主题演讲及简报. She has written nearly 30 published works including journal articles, 书的章节, a book and informal publications around ePortfolios and the CSLE+COVA PL framework and currently serves as an associate editor and reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals.



Dr. 托尼·克默里,副院长

托尼Kemerly获得博士学位.D. in Exercise Science at the University of Mississippi. He combined the boredom brought on by studying postural sway with an M.A. in Communication Studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to allow for a transition to the cultural studies aspects of Kinesiology. Kemerly has taught courses such as "Locating the Self Through the Whedonverse," "Visual Semiotics in Popular Culture," "Death: Seeing Beyond the Veil,《电子艺游网投官方网站》," and "Phenomenology of the Body." He is now the Associate Dean of the 雷诺荣誉学院 at 十大电子游艺网站排行. 他的爱好包括电子游戏, 阅读, 和他妻子一起出去玩, 她的混血吉娃娃, 拿铁咖啡, 还有他的救援灰狗, 奥利弗女王. 




金正日Vizena is the mainstay for both the 雷诺荣誉学院 and Texas Academy, and joined 十大电子游艺网站排行 in 2006. Ms. Vizena maintains the financial records, 奖学金基金, 事件管理, 物业管理, 学生记录, 以及整体运营.



伊梅尔达·特里斯坦, 顾问和成功教练

Imelda特里斯坦 earned a Masters in Kinesiology and MPH from 十大电子游艺网站排行. Equipped with the passion to elevate her community, she strived as Public Health Educator to bring awareness and incorporation of accessible healthcare to Jefferson County and surrounding communities. She is accompanied by the drive to better not only herself but also to help others realize their strengths; and does so with her extensive knowledge of academic advising, 研究, 以及个性化的指导. 目前, she works to apply her experience in community service and education to support students in their academic and career endeavors as the 雷诺荣誉学院 顾问和成功教练. Ms. Tristan loves 阅读, DIY crafts, and cooking new recipes in her spare time.




梅根·拉普 joined our team as the 雷诺荣誉学院 Coordinator in October 2019. She graduated from the University of Arizona in 2002 and worked 16 years as the editor for a print and digital media company that published a national magazine, non-fiction books and a digital archive. She maintains and updates the Honors College's website and social media presence, oversees the publication of the alumni magazine and assists with and advises on Honors College events, 政策, 报告及招聘. Ms. 拉普喜欢旅行, 探索博物馆, 阅读 biographies and literature, 看纪录片. 



Dr. 玛丽亚瓦列霍, Visiting Assistant Professor in Honors

María巴列霍获得了博士学位.D. in Borderlands History from the University of Texas at El Paso. Her 研究 explores the impacts that race, class, 性别, and citizenship had on land tenure and property ownership in South Texas. She has published part of her 研究 in publications such as “The Formation and Early development of the Llano Grande” in Yet 更多的 Studies in Rio Grande Valley History and “Nuevo Santander: Its History and Life” in 《南德克萨斯日报. 除了, she has taught various history courses and American Ethnic Studies courses, 比如“性”, 比赛, 和“异国情调”和“美国”.S.-拉丁语:社会斗争.” Vallejo is a first-generation college graduate whose goal is to support and encourage student success. She is excited to be a faculty at the 雷诺荣誉学院. 在她的业余时间,博士. 巴列霍喜欢阅读, 缝纫, watching Korean dramas or documentaries, 和家人共度时光. 



雷诺荣誉学院  •  P.O. 10968箱  •  博蒙特,德克萨斯州77710  •  ph (409) 880-2294
Office at 985 Jim Gilligan Way (地图)   •